Fusion Fares offers a variety of payment options for their customers. You can pay through the following methods:
Debit/Credit Card: You can pay with your debit/credit cards. For USA & Canada-based clients/transactions Authorization Form and a few other details would be required for a secure payment procedure. For Pakistan-based transactions, payments can be facilitated through Bank Deposit, RAAST and Cash deposit at our customer facilitation branches.
HBL Direct Transfer: If you own an HBL account, your payments can be made directly to Fusion Fares via your account.
Account Title: FUSION FARES
Account Number: 53397000054055
IBAN: PK19HABB0053397000054055
Branch: Islamic Banking Sangjani HBL
Bank Name: HBL
Faysal Bank Direct Transfer: If you own a Faysal Bank account, your payments can be made directly to Fusion Fares via your account.
Account Title: FUSION FARES
Account Number: 3336787000002443
IBAN: PK98FAYS3336787000002443
Bank Name: Faysal Bank
Meezan Bank Direct Transfer: If you own a Meezan Bank account, your payments can be made directly to Fusion Fares via your account.
Account Title: FUSION FARES
Account Number: 0003280108285922
IBAN: PK64MEZN0003280108285922
Branch: D-17 Branch Islamabad
RAAST Direct Transfer: You can make an FOC deposit in our
RAAST ID: 03304073786
Bank of AMERICA Direct Transfer: If you wish to make payment in USD $, your payments can be made directly to Fusion Fares via the Bank of AMERICA account.
Title of Account: FUSION FARES LLC
Account Number: 8981-0478-6843
ACH Routing Number: 063100277
Bank Name: Bank of AMERICA
Pay at Branches: Your cash payments can be facilitated through our customer facilitation branches.
For online payments, kindly share the payment screenshot on Fusion Fares WhatsApp or email at online_payments@fusionfares.com. Payment will be validated and acknowledgement will be provided accordingly.