Fusion Fares

Fusion Fares
Fusion Fares

Pakistan: +92-330-407-3786

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🌟 Enjoy Your Unforgettable Winter Vacations in Pakistan, UAE, USA, Canada & Many More Places with Fusion Fares! ❄️⛰️ Group Fares in lowest Price Now Available for UAE & Saudia From Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar & Karachi. Conact Now � Note: Travel Advisory Update by KSA Authorities W.E.F 17 January 2023 Click Here for complete details

Fly the friendly skies with us

Let our experts plan your trip


Our Customer Support Department is open 24/7, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. Need assistance at 4 am? We have you covered! We help our customers all day every day to ensure that they don’t feel alone in crucial times. We are happy to announce that our clients will never have to wait for several hours to get a solution. A team of efficient Travel Managers will look after your queries so you don’t have to worry about a thing and can experience a stress-free trip!


Our skilled and highly professional Travel Managers are always there for you with the latest tips and techniques of the industry; hence, your excellent travel experience is a guarantee. We only offer the best choice for our clients so that they can benefit from it. Your happiness is our priority.


Whatever drives your passion for travel, we are here to help. We help you explore your world and open your eyes to the unknown.

Amazing Destination Ideas for you!


Get the best adventure trips with The Travel Globe


We know you love beach holidays & we are expert of it.


Enjoy Parties during your desire trips Free of Cost.


You Love Golf, ask us for Golf holidays, we will make it happen for you.


Enjoy your lovely moment with love one. Enjoy your honeymoon & make it memorable.


Ski is not just sports but also full of fun & adventure.

Popular Domestic & International Flight Destinations

Our Corporate Clients

IBL Unisys is a successful tier 1 partner in Pakistan with some of the global giants such as DELL EMC, CISCO, IBM, Vmware, Huawei, etc. Fusion Fares has been assisting them in streamlining the complexities of Corporate Travel which may include Global Conference Registrations, Visa Assistance, Travel Insurance, Accommodation, Ground Transport & Air Tickets.

Searle Pakistan Limited is a leading pharmaceutical company with strong presence in several countries including Pakistan. Fusion Fares has been assisting them streamline the complexities of Corporate Travel which may include Global Conference Registrations, Visa Assistance, Travel Insurance, Accommodation, Ground Transport & Air Tickets.



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